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Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Well I am not sure what went quite wrong today but it started with me having fallen asleep on the couch last night in front of a roaring fire after having a few glasses of red wine and then waking up with a dry throat and a knock on the door by my plumber wanting to talk about invoices. This was followed with a frustrated Tomoko cleaning up the house closing cupboards loader than I thought possible and banging crokery like in a greek restaurant. I clambered then to the computer and continued the handover work for FCC before next week (My last week.... yippee) then after finally realising that I had been sittin gin front of the computer for almost 5 hours straight and recognising that I had somehow forgotten breakfast and lunch and then needed to run into town to get some things done..... I was almost in town firstly when I realised that I had left a vital folder at home and needed to drive back adding 25km to my journey and an extra 45 minutes, I also got stuck behind an earth mover on the way home just to teach me a lesson for forgetting I headed off again to town, this time with a sleeping Jasper next to me and went to get signatures for Jaspers passport forms only to realise that I had turned up to get witness signatures before having gotten his picture taken, back in the car and off to the photo place to get the photos done and luckily because Jasper is half Japanese he looked right at home in the camera shop, had his photo taken and back we went to get them signed, drove all the way down to a post office to get an 'interview', then after waiting for my turn and explaining the application I found out that the decorative birth certificate for Jasper couldnt be submitted and so coupled with the fact that mine also cant yet be renewed we have a serious challenge to get it all done in just over 2 weeks (I have to call in another one of my miracles somehow to solve that).... so having wasted that time I headed off to pick up my new tractor tyres that I were told would be ready.... and then after finally getting there down in South Coffs Harbour, I find out they wont be ready till tomorrow... great.... I stayed composed and thanked Ian the gentleman that will be supplying me things for a long time. So, I headed off to the bank to do some business there (carrying Jasper the whole time as he is in cuddle and love mode wanting to be up at my level seeing whatever I see) and of course, for some reason the bank was full of business people wanting to do banking... excellent and then to make things fun I had forgotten the new pin number I had just received so had to deal with that administrative change, which follwed another drive to the north of Coffs Harbour to our other bank to have a meeting with the manager there, which would have been fine but it was punctuated with Jasper announcing to all in the bank that he was ready to do poo poo and jumping up and down telling me it was almost coming out...... ran to toilet... ran back.... continued meeting.... could not finalise outcome (due to needing paperwork and signatures to complete headed off to the sheet metal worker to put the critical order in for a cover on the outside of the house for the UV water treatment filter and found a note on their door saying closed early for the day (can you believe it!!!!) so I smiled a forced smile to myself.....then drove back home.....took the Ute that I had borrowed back to Mum and then had to deal with an emotional Jasper crying to stay at mums house but not being able to because she was in bed (Which was painful for me to see cause he was crying out of love for wanting to be with his nana) .....and then finally arrived home and stepped in some cow poo before coming into the house.......

Anyway..... give me a moment and I will find some things to be positive about for today just to keep the balance in check.

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